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Brian Michael Ulrey - Online Memorial Website

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Brian Ulrey
Born in Texas
24 years
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You will always be in my memories. I will never forget you an you will never be gone. I will remember all the fun times we had growing up and all the laughes we shared. I luv you.

your cousin amy

I will never forget you and Kane acting crazy on the fourwheeler,and asking me to take pics of you two.I was so scared you would get hurt,but that was you and Kane doing things others wouldnt do.Or the time I took both of you Biloxi for the first time and you said one beer cost you about twohundered dollars and then we went to Hooters and I could not get you and Kane to shut up about the girls.I could go on and on about things that happen over the years,we may not have you here with us now but we still have the memories.Brian, you will be missed, but not forgotten.
brian, me and u have done some wild things, and i would not take them back for anything. you were the bestest friend any one could have. i have known you since 7th grade, i was your first friend down here, but we stuck together no matter what. we have been there for each other and i would not have changed a thing. i will always remeber you, you will never beforgottin. i will be there and take care of your parents, i know u would have wonted that. but know one will forget  you as long as i live. you are a true friend, and not may people get that in life.  i am glad i was the last to talk to you, and i got to say a  normal good bye. you will be missed but you will be thought of every single day. how could any one forget you. you were the best guy i knew, and the only person i trusted. i hate u are gone, and i try not to cry remembering you, but now you have nothing to worry about, you can rest and look down and laugh at me. you will allway be in my heart. i loved you like a brother. we will meet again my  friend and when we do ill look after you better this time. im sorry you are gone, but be with god brian. love you, and will never forget you. untile we meet again R.I.P. brian, come see me cuz you were my only friend.
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